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of AI-Driven Investment Advice.

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Superior Risk Management= Superior Investment Returns

TenjinAI's genetic makeup is rooted in robust risk management. Our AI-powered strategies act as autopilots that expertly guide through the market, allowing you to invest with peace of mind, free from market concerns.

Featured In:
Advanced AI

We use advanced AI techniques, 

analyzing millions of data points 

to forecast market trends and 

stock movements

Customizable Solution

Our investment solutions offer full customizability, catering to every individual risk profile, and enabling the achievement of various investment goals, including retirement and savings.

Top Tier Broker as Custodian

Our broker, Interactive Brokers™ is trusted by over 2 Million customers including large hedge funds to trade over $12 Billion in equity capital

No Restrictions to Withdraw

Withdraw partially or fully anytime from your investment accounts without any restrictions whatsoever.

Advanced AI

We use advanced AI techniques, analyzing millions of data points to forecast market trends and stock movements

Customizable Solution

Our investment solutions offer full customizability, catering to every individual risk profile, and enabling the achievement of various investment goals, including retirement and savings.

Top Tier Broker as Custodian

Our broker, Interactive Brokers™ is trusted by over 2 Million customers including large hedge funds to trade over $12 Billion in equity capital

No Restrictions to Withdraw

Withdraw partially or fully anytime from your investment accounts without any restrictions whatsoever.

Hear it from our CEO

  • It’s an easy 4 step process.

    1. Create an investment account in Tenjin.

    2. Transfer funds or transfer your existing investment positions from another broker into this new account.

    3. Set your risk appetite on your investment account (Conservative/Moderate/Aggressive or any shade in-between)

    4. Specify your investment goals (target you want to achieve and the time-frame to achieve that) that you want Tenjin to help you achieve

    And Voila!

  • Not a problem. When you open an investment account with Tenjin, we will automatically create an investment account in Interactive Broker, a reputed broker/custodian trading in US Stock market under symbol “IBKR” and a member of NYSE – FINRA – SIPC and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • Our fees for managed accounts range from 0.7% / year* – 1% / year* depending on the size of the AUM. For example for an account with $10,000, the fee would be 1% or $100/year charged at $8.33/month.

    *  Fees are subject to change but will not be effective for existing customers without their prior consent.

  • Tenjin AI is powered by Quantitative Finance, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We have a strong team of professionals with advanced degrees in these fields working on designing Tenjin’s systematic strategies. The team is spearheaded by Shyam Sreenivasan who holds an MBA in Finance from Wharton and has a certificate in Quantitative Finance from CQF Institute. Shyam has more than 20 years of experience in the financial markets and has worked in leading wall street banks like Morgan Stanley. While the goal is to provide superior performance consistently, Tenjin team is rooted in strong risk management culture. All Tenjin strategies are back-tested using systematic processes using data from different market cycles over the past many years. Tenjin strategies go through many iterations of testing and cross validations internally before we certify it ready for action.

  • You can get an overview of the investment strategies’ performance from the dashboard. To deep dive, you can check the Investments tab.

  • Strategies are historically backtested portfolios of assets such as stocks, ETFs and mutual funds which rebalance (update) every month/week.

    Ex: Tenjin AI Cruiser is a strategy which picks high quality stocks and ETFs which are predicted by Tenjin AI to be the growth drivers in their respective sectors. To switch the investments choices periodically based on Tenjin’s proprietary ranking of stocks and ETFs, investors need not do anything as Tenjin fully manages this strategy.

  • You can decide which investment strategy to select by looking at the previous performance and backtest results of the strategy, your risk appetite and investment horizon.

  • Re-balancing is done to evaluate portfolio on regular basis and to switch assets held or amount held on those assets.

  • Rebalancing means your portfolio is evaluated and some holdings are replaced with new assets if strategy picks new assets.

  • Strategies rebalance automatically on a quarterly, monthly or weekly basis as per their design.

  • Tenjin AI is powered by Quantitative Finance, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We have a strong team of professionals with advanced degrees in these fields working on designing Tenjin’s systematic strategies. The team is spearheaded by Shyam Sreenivasan who holds an MBA in Finance from Wharton and has a certificate in Quantitative Finance from CQF Institute. Shyam has more than 20 years of experience in the financial markets and has worked in leading wall street banks like Morgan Stanley. While the goal is to provide superior performance consistently, Tenjin team is rooted in strong risk management culture. All Tenjin strategies are back-tested using systematic processes using data from different market cycles over the past many years. Tenjin strategies go through many iterations of testing and cross validations internally before we certify it ready for action.

  • You can exit an investment strategy at any time from your investment account. All assets on your account are always held on your name under a separately managed account. So your account is always under your control. So rest assured there is no lock-in period or withdrawal limitations!

  • Tenjin AI is powered by our proprietary ranking algorithm. It considers elements such as Fundamentals, Momentum, and Sentiments to predict the short-term and long-term view of the stocks.

  • Tenjin AI links to your external accounts through Plaid. Plaid enables Tenjin users to securely connect all of their financial accounts with Tenjin to get a holistic view of an investor’s net wealth. Tenjin can also be a watch guard with eagle eyes that can monitor for any adverse movements or potential investment risks associated with an investor’s external accounts.

    Tenjin never stores any of our users’ external account credentials such as username or password in its system. Tenjin also never shares any of the information about accounts held in Tenjin with anyone.

  • Tenjin AI rankings are compiled by its proprietary ranking algorithm. The rankings include rankings for stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. These rankings get updated on a weekly basis.

  • Yes. Tenjin provides recommendations on your existing portfolio. All you need to do is link your existing portfolio to Tenjin so that Tenjin can provide recommendations to achieve higher returns with lower risk on your external accounts such as those held with other brokers.

  • The market data gets updated on a real-time basis and Tenjin rankings are published every week.

Have A Question?

Invest with TENJIN AI

100% control over your money

You maintain absolute control over your investments as they always remain within your brokerage account, enabling you to redeem them whenever you choose.

Automate Your Investments

Allow TenjinAI to automatically put your money to work and take on the responsibility of managing your investments, diligently striving to achieve exceptional returns for you.

100% Transparency

Track and analyze your investments anytime, anywhere with our app or web dashboard.

Risk managed returns

Your money is invested after evaluating your investment goals and risk appetite.

TENJIN AI Investment Strategies

TenjinAI's algorithms are designed to automatically hedge against market downturns, making it an ideal solution for navigating the current market volatility. With TenjinAI, you have an auto-pilot for your investments that stays ahead of market cycles.


By investing with TenjinAI, you can sit back and relax while its advanced strategies, which include periodic rebalancing, manage your investments for you.

Access to diversified, risk controlled investment strategies

TenjinAl strategies combine Al/machine learning and Quantitative Finance across various asset classes such as Stocks, ETFs, Options, Bonds, Real Estate, Portfolio Insurance and Alternative Investments to cover all bases for providing superior returns.

With TenjinAl, whether you are an experienced investor or someone who is just starting out, you have access to some of the same paths as the ultra rich to financial prosperity.

Your Future in Full View

With TenjinAI, you can easily link all of your investment accounts, whether they are with an external broker or financial advisor, and view a comprehensive overview of them in one location. Our platform updates your accounts every few minutes and provides visual analytics, allowing you to gain valuable insights and compare performance.


That's not all - TenjinAI can also offer specific and actionable advice on how to enhance the performance of your current portfolios.

Seize The Opportunity

At TenjinAl, we place a great deal of importance on timing, and it appears that the stock market shares this sentiment. Our clients benefit from our expertise in predicting market trends, allowing them to perfect their timing for purchasing and selling seasonal investments.


Sit Back and Relax

TenjinAI handles everything else on your behalf.



Add funds to your brokerage account by depositing cash/check or transfer your holdings from another advisor or broker account.


Effortlessly establish your brokerage account with TenjinAI & IBKR in a secure manner.


Ready to Invest with


It's as easy as counting 1, 2, 3...

It's as easy as counting 1, 2, 3...


Effortlessly establish your brokerage account with TenjinAI & IBKR in a secure manner.




Add funds to your brokerage account by depositing cash/check or transfer your holdings from another advisor or broker account.


Sit Back and Relax

TenjinAI handles everything else on your behalf.

Ready to Invest with


Have A Question?

  • It's a simple 4-step process:

    1. Open an investment account with Tenjin.

    2. Transfer funds or move your current investment positions from another broker to this new account.

    3. Define your risk tolerance level on your investment account (ranging from Conservative to Moderate to Aggressive, or any gradient in between).

    4. Establish your investment objectives (target goals and time frame) that you want Tenjin to assist you in achieving.


    And there you have it!

  • Not a problem. When you open an investment account with Tenjin, we will automatically create an investment account in Interactive Broker, a reputed broker/custodian trading in US Stock market under symbol “IBKR” and a member of NYSE – FINRA – SIPC and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • The fees for our managed accounts vary between 0.7% per annum* to 1.5% per annum*, based on the assets under management (AUM) and type of assets (Stocks/ETFs, Options, Futures, Alternative Assets, Structured Products, Real Estate) being managed.

    • Please note that our fees are subject to change, but we will not apply changes to existing customers' accounts without obtaining their prior approval.

  • TenjinAI strategies rely on robust Quantitative Finance and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning techniques, driven by a team of experienced professionals with advanced degrees in these fields and significant expertise acquired from working for leading Wall Street firms.

    The TenjinAI team prioritizes risk management and firmly believes that excellent risk management is crucial to achieving outstanding investment returns. Each TenjinAI strategy undergoes rigorous systematic back-testing using data from different market cycles over several years, with numerous rounds of internal testing and cross-validation before being authorized for implementation.

  • You can monitor the performance of your investments through both the TenjinAI app and the brokerage account app offered by IBKR.

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Happy Customers

What they're saying

Tenjin AI transformed my investing. Reliable multi-asset strategy, and automatic portfolio management. Highly recommend!

Suja, Austin, Texas.

Transformed my portfolio management! Instant insights, daily updates, and valuable suggestions. Elevate your investment game with Tenjin AI.

Ram M, Chicago, Illinois

Tenjin AI's GPT-powered research amazes me. Like an instant, accurate financial advisor. Rapid, well-researched guidance. Beyond my expectations.

Sam S, New York, New York

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